Thursday, May 26, 2011

Open-Faced Sandwiches...

Are my favorite.

Mainly because I think sandwiches typically have too much bread for my obsession with ratios and also because it usually means the contents are stacked high and looking delicious.
Like this one.
At least I think it does. But maybe that's because I just ate it and loved it. Every bite actually. My only regret is not having someone to eat it with...but these are the nights I fulfill my selfish food cravings so I suppose it works out in the end.

As for the contents of this leaning tower of goodness:
- Whole Wheat Walnut Bread by Acme, toasted
- Homemade Pesto (basil, olive oil, garlic, Parmesan)
- Edamame Hummus (thanks Berkeley Bowl)
- Italian Eggplant (broiled in the oven)
- Sauteed Red Onions (de-glazed in balsamic vinegar)
- Heirloom Tomatoes (I know it's early but I really needed these guys- thanks really pulled through)
- Fresh Mozzarella (yes please)
- Avocado (tis the season!!)
- Sprouts (next time I'll add make the sandwich even higher)

Just one last note: you'll need a knife and fork for this one, but it's worth it, I promise!